The dependent variables included course evaluation, learning outcomes, such as revision of lesson plans and technology use, and level of confidence or acquisition of knowledge about UDL and disabilities.
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The most common independent variables were UDL principle-based course design and implementation, followed by hands-on activities, training of instructors, peer-led team learning, and a collaborative professional development model. Other studies used face-to-face instruction for teacher education, general courses, and workshops. Two studies used a blended delivery mode for special education courses, and four studies used online delivery modes for a teacher education course and three professional development programs. The analysis revealed that 15 of the studies reported effective outcomes, one study resulted in blended effects, and one did not discuss implementation. The studies were analyzed with regard to 1) participant information, 2) courses and delivery mode, 3) independent and dependent variables, 4) implementation strategies, and 5) effectiveness of implementation. The authors examined 17 empirically based studies published across 12 journals focused on the application of UDL principles. This systematic review explored methods of UDL implementation for postsecondary students with and without disabilities and the degree to which these methods are effective. Results from this study serve as a suitable example for tertiary educational practitioners to use design-based learning to facilitate retention and transfer.

Students from all cohorts agreed that the educational factors promoting learning were repetition of topics throughout the bachelor curriculum, practicing and providing feedback, and an explanation on errors made.

Results indicate that students following the design-based learning project recorded higher median marks in their assignments compared to those enrolled in the traditional course.

A small number of students were interviewed in focus groups to validate the data on elements that promote retention and transfer. Students' perceptions of active learning educational factors that may support understanding and the retention and transfer of information were also measured. Students from different year-level cohorts participated in a study consisting of a 15-open question test on systems, control technology, and Laplace transform. The project Signal and Systems is a core and compulsory course within the physics curriculum of the Applied Physics Department at the Eindhoven University of Technology, the Netherlands. Retention and transfer of information were tested in a second-year bachelor design-based learning project, and compared with a traditional bachelor level course.